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1st MIKULAS CUP - 2000

World Cup and Open International aeromodelling contest
in F1E free flight category

We invite all competitors who have valid FAI Sport Licence (it must be shown up at the registration).

Organiser: Cavalloni Modelling Club, Budapest
Date of contest: Sep 14 -15, 2000.
FAI jury: Dr. András Reé - Hungary
Miroslav Sulc - Slovakia
Andor Harmath - Hungary
Contest director: Miroslav Farkaš
Fees: Entry 40 CHF
Board and lodgigng is to be arranged on your own.
If anybody wants to entry to the LIPTOV CUP too, that is possible to do so together with this entry application.
The list of accomodation possibilities (address/tel/fax/price) are the same than in last year at the World Champs.
The banquet of this competition will be together with the banquet of the Liptov Cup.

Entry applications must be arrived until Sep 1, 2000 to the following address:


Postafiók 16.

or to our e-mail address:

Accepted applications can be seen on our internet adress:
We prefer the fees to be transferred to the following bank account:

ABN-Amro Bank, H -1054, Budapest, Arany J. u. 20
10200823 - 22214397 - 00000000 Cavalloni SE

Please arrange the transfer until the entry deadline and sign this fact in the entry application. (If necessary that is possible to pay at the registration.)


Sep. 14. Arrival and registration from 17 to 20.
Place of registration is the Hotel "SI".
The address is: LIPTOVSKI MIKULAS, ul. 1 Maja 117.

The final result will be available on the internet from Monday evening.
If anybody would like to get an official result after the contest, please, notice it at the registration.

Sep. 15. F1E contest day
Schedule of flights (valid for the Liptov Cup as well):
10 00 - 11.15 1. round,
11 15 - 12.30 2. round,
12.30 - 13.45 3. round,
13.45 - 15.00 4. round,
15 00 - 16.15 5. round,
16.30 - Fly-off rounds

The contest will run according to the current FAI Sporting Code.
The prize giving ceremony will be organised on the flying field after the contest.

Awards: The first three in individual listing will be awarded.
Sep 16 Liptov Cup.
Sep 17 Reserve day, departure.

Organising Committee


1165 Budapest, Veres Péter u. 157.   1625 Budapest, Pf. 16
Tel/fax: +36 1 211-4071